Chanel Sponsors Royal Costume Show at Versailles


Karl Lagerfeld in Versailles - Chanel Sponsors Le Bal Des Siecles

This a premiere in France, Versailles is hosting for the first time in more than two centuries,the most sumptuously dressed court of Europe.

Chanel sponsors the exhibition.

“Fastes de Cour & Cérémonies Royales” (“Court Pomp & Royal Ceremony”) retraces European court costumes from 1650 to 1800 and opens to the public today. The exhibition, which runs through June 28.

In his foreword to the exhibition catalogue, Karl Lagerfeld notes that even the French court, “the most brilliant and imitated in the world,” went into debt to retain universal admiration. “Nothing was too beautiful, or too expensive,” the designer points out.

You will not see any wardrobes  from Queen Marie Antoinette neither from Kings Louis XIV, XV and XVI. We believe that all the wardrobe left has been maybe destroyed when the revolution took over in 1789.

The influence of the French monarchy expanded in Europe, Germany, Russia, Vienna, Denmark and Sweden  were able to keep their  royal attire, furniture and accoutrements.

The pieces will be displayed alongside official portraits of their original owners and drawings. It is also the first time pieces of crown jewelry have been included in an exhibition of court costume, the better to illustrate the luster of the court of Versailles. We have no information on yes or no the jewelry displayed will be the original or duplicate.

See the pictures below:

Pictures via wwd